Our Curriculum

Being a public school, Summerfields Primary School follows the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) system, which was implemented in 2012. Through the use of Smart boards and internet access in each class, learners are given the opportunity to learn through innovative and technologically savvy methods.


CAPS in the Foundation Phase (Grade R – 3)

The Foundation Phase CAPS curriculum is focused around the following four major subjects:

  1. Home Language (English)
  2. First Additional Language (Afrikaans)
  3. Mathematics
  4. Life Skills


There are no examinations in the Foundation Phase. Evaluations are done in the form of Formal Assessment Tasks. At the end of each term a report is issued according to the CAPS Rating Scale and parents are invited to discuss their children’s progress at parent’s evenings.

Codes and descriptions for the CAPS Rating Scale used for evaluation, recording and reporting in Grade R – 3 are as follows:

7 Outstanding Achievement 80% – 100%
6 Meritorious Achievement 70% – 79%
5 Substantial Achievement 60% – 69%
4 Adequate Achievement 50% – 59%
3 Moderate Achievement 40% – 49%
2 Elementary Achievement 30% – 39%
1 Not Achieved 0% – 29%

Pupils are promoted at the end of each year according to the average mark achieved per subject for the four combined school terms. According to the Department of Basic Education National Policy, promotion to the next grade is based on the following minimum requirements:

  • Home Language (English)  –  Level 4 (50% – 59%)
  • First Additional Language (Afrikaans) – Level 3 (40% – 49%)
  • Mathematics – Level 3 (40% – 49%)


CAPS in the Intermediate Phase (Grade 4 – 6)

The Intermediate Phase CAPS curriculum is focused around the following six major subjects:

  1. Home Language (English)
  2. First Additional Language (Afrikaans)
  3. Mathematics
  4. Natural Sciences and Technology
  5. Social Sciences (Geography and History)
  6. Life Skills


All assessments in the Intermediate Phase are internal. Informal; daily assessments monitor learners’ progress in the form of observations, written exercises, oral presentations, written tests and reading. Formal Assessment Tasks and examinations are marked and formally recorded by the teachers for progression and certification purposes. The code and the percentage obtained is reflected on the learner’s report. At the end of each term a report is issued and parents are invited to discuss their children’s progress at parent’s evenings.

Codes and descriptions for the CAPS Rating Scale used for evaluation, recording and reporting in Grade 4 – 6 are as follows:

7 Outstanding Achievement 80% – 100%
6 Meritorious Achievement 70% – 79%
5 Substantial Achievement 60% – 69%
4 Adequate Achievement 50% – 59%
3 Moderate Achievement 40% – 49%
2 Elementary Achievement 30% – 39%
1 Not Achieved 0% – 29%

Pupils are promoted at the end of each year according to the average mark achieved per subject for the four combined school terms. According to the Department of Basic Education National Policy, promotion to the next grade is based on the following minimum requirements:

  • Home Language (English) –  Level 4 (50% – 59%)
  • First Additional Language (Afrikaans) – Level 3 (40% – 49%)
  • Mathematics – Level 3 (40% – 49%)
  • Any other two subjects – Level 3 (40% – 49%)


CAPS in the Senior Phase (Grade 7)

The Senior Phase CAPS curriculum is focused around the following nine major subjects:

  1. Home Language (English)
  2. First Additional Language (Afrikaans)
  3. Mathematics
  4. Natural Sciences
  5. Social Sciences (Geography and History)
  6. Technology
  7. Economic and Management Sciences
  8. Life Orientation
  9. Creative Arts


All assessments in the Senior Phase are internal. Informal; daily assessments monitor learners’ progress in the form of observations, written exercises, oral presentations, written tests and reading. Formal Assessment Tasks and examinations are marked and formally recorded by the teachers for progression and certification purposes. The code and the percentage obtained is reflected on the learner’s report. At the end of each term a report is issued and parents are invited to discuss their children’s progress at parent’s evenings.

Codes and descriptions for the CAPS Rating Scale used for evaluation, recording and reporting in Grade 7 are as follows:

7 Outstanding Achievement 80% – 100%
6 Meritorious Achievement 70% – 79%
5 Substantial Achievement 60% – 69%
4 Adequate Achievement 50% – 59%
3 Moderate Achievement 40% – 49%
2 Elementary Achievement 30% – 39%
1 Not Achieved 0% – 29%

Pupils are promoted at the end of each year according to the average mark achieved per subject for the four combined school terms. According to the Department of Basic Education National Policy, promotion to the next grade is based on the following minimum requirements:

  • Home Language (English) – Level 4 (50% – 59%)
  • First Additional Language (Afrikaans) – Level 3 (40% – 49%)
  • Mathematics -Level 3 (40% – 49%)
  • Any other three other subjects – Level 3 (40% – 49%)
  • Two other subjects – Level 2 (30% – 39%